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GOP 2024 Platform

Key Issues Facing Americans After 3.5 Years of Biden/Harris

  • Economic - Runaway increase in prices
  • Border - 10-20 million illegals
  • Energy - Active assault on natural resource
  • Global Stability - Wars in multiple regions
  • China - Growing threat to free world

The GOP 2024 Platform directly addresses these issues and more

  1. Seal the border, and stop the migrant invasion
  2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history
  3. End inflation, and make America affordable again
  4. Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
  5. Stop outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower

Read the rest of the platform processes and download the entire platform below.

Read more …GOP 2024 Platform

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Voter Information

Be an Informed and Active Voter in 2024

(Get printable version of this document here)

Action 1:  Get Informed and Share with Others

November 5th Is Rapidly Approaching

Below are news sources you may want to add to your Favorites List. As we know, not all news sources are the same. We must critically weigh the accuracy of the information we present to others.  These resources add new content frequently and cover important political, election and legislative news.

Aggregator Websites

Popular Websites

News and Podcasts

Action 2:  Get Involved and Influence Others

Learn About State Initiatives

  • Assess candidates’ positions on critical issues, including election integrity and financial responsibility.

Find Ways to Increase Voter Registration

  • If your state has online registration, help citizens register using it
    • If not, use the online tool at “True the Vote” to register or update a prior registration.
    • Registrations can be checked through your Board of Elections.
  • Plan a “family and friends” gathering and organize an activity to review registrations.
  • If you have older teens, ask them to get their friends registered.
  • Wear candidate gear, and when people ask you about the candidate, ask if they are registered.
  • Work with your Ward Chair and Precinct Executive (PE) to register new homeowners or renters.

Help Candidates Get Their Messages Out to Voters

  • Join the mobilization efforts of President Trump to elect candidates.
  • Plan meetings with neighbors.
    • Consider SIGN WAVES, distributing candidate literature, informal coffee meetings with candidates
    • Fly your US flag and encourage others to do so.
    • Start a Prayer Group.

Participate in Securing Free and Fair Elections

  • Volunteer at your Board of Elections as a poll worker or observer. Also, check for paid positions.
  • Contact House Representatives and Senators and request investigations of election integrity irregularities.

Discuss the Election and Potential Outcomes with Younger Generations

  • Engage high school and college students who are interested in shaping their future.
  • Ask your children and grandchildren what they are hearing at school about candidates and elections.
    • Have discussions if their information seems incorrect.

Empower Your Future by Electing Candidates Who Have Your Values

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Trump Force 47


Trump Force 47 is a targeted, precinct-level organizing model designed to enhance voter engagement and turnout in key battleground states. This program focuses on high-impact, low-volume voter contacts, specifically targeting hard-to-reach, low-propensity Republican voters.

Volunteers are needed to reach out to your neighbors to encourage them to vote.  The Trump campaign will give you the training and tools you need.  With just a few hours of your time you can help elect the team that will put America back on the track to greatness.

Upcoming Training Sessions:

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2024 Supported Candidates

RestoreLiberty.US is in the process of examining the 2024 ballot for conservatives we are willing to support.

Here is the preliminary list with links to their websites:

US President: Donald Trump
US Senate: Bernie Moreno
US House – District 1: Orlando Sonza
US House – District 2:
US House – District 8: Warren Davidson
OH Supreme Court: Megan Shanahan
OH Supreme Court: Joe Deters
OH Supreme Court: Dan Hawkins
County Commissioner: Adam Koehler
County Commissioner: Jonathon Pearson
County Prosecutor: Melissa Powers
County Recorder: David Heimbach
County Treasurer:
County Auditor: Tom Brinkman
County Clerk of Courts: Mary Hill
County Sheriff: Jim Neal
OH Senate – District 8:
OH House – District 24: John Sess
OH House – District 25: Jim Berns
OH House – District 26:
OH House – District 27: Curt Hartman
OH House – District 28: Jenn Giroux
OH House – District 29:  
OH House – District 30:  Mike Odioso
Court of Appeals: Sean Donovon
Court of Appeals: Stacy Lefton
Court of Appeals: Elizabeth Polston
Court of Appeals: Robert Goering
Common Pleas: Katie Casch
Common Pleas: Chris Lipps
Common Pleas: Robert Winkler

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