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Podcast October 12, 2023 - Vote NOvember w/Bernie Moreno

Discussion of state and national issues with Bernie Moreno.Podcast

Guest: Bernie Moreno

Segment 1: Issue 1 (video / podcast)
Segment 2: Issue 2 (video / podcast)
Segment 3: National Issues (video / podcast)

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Segment 1:

Issue 1

Welcome - Bernie Moreno

  • Successful Businessman - car dealership, blockchain tech

  • US Senate candidate

Vote NOvember Campaign

  • Ballot Initiatives, New Taxes - Just Vote NO

    • Ballot initiatives are a horrible way to “make law”

    • Circumventing the legislature, means no checks and balances

    • Outside state resources can buy the voters easier than the legislatures

Issue 1 - “Amendment Relating to Abortion and Other Reproductive Decisions”

  • Check out

  • Takes all-inclusive, vague language to a whole new level - none of the key terms are defined:

    • “Individual” - No age, sex, condition – just “Every individual”

    • “Reproductive decisions” - “including but not limited to decisions on contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one’s own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion”

      • Means definition can be expanded to anything involving “Reproduction”

    • “Patients life or health” - Any limitation can be overridden for “health” but no definition of “health is given”

      • Means exception can be physical, mental, financial, basically anything that can be construed as effecting the individual.

  • Most disturbing aspects:

    • Ohio will join North Korea and China as one of the few places on earth where you can legally kill a baby up to the moment of birth.

    • Permits anyone to encourage children to have abortions or gender surgeries

    • Prohibits anyone, including parents, from discouraging these procedures


Segment 2:

Reaching Independents

Issue 2 - “Commercialize, Regulate, Legalize, and Tax the Adult Use of Cannabis” 

  • Actual text of the resolution is 51 pages long!!!

    • And very, very difficult to find online

  • While much is said about “cannabis” the bulk of the language deals with “Social Equity and Jobs Program” - a new effort under the Ohio Department of Development

      • Section 2:  “provide funding and social equity opportunities in the state”

      • Section 3:  “Prescribing standards and procedures in coordination with the department of development to administer and enforce the cannabis social equity and jobs program”

  • The Department of Development - “Creating a better life for all Ohioans”

    • Already sounds like an “equity” focused organization

  • New “Social Equity and Jobs Program”

    • Funded by legalizing and licensing cannabis

    • Easily expanded to every area of commerce, business and government activity

  • Also includes language that forces cannabis into poor and impoverished neighborhoods

    • Anyone previously convicted of selling weed, can get Ohio funding to get back into the business!

  • Aside from the obvious issues with widespread use of marijuana, the focus on creating a whole new “equity” program has nothing to do with the legalization effort.

Segment 3:

Effective Campaigning Training

  • Segment 3 - National Issues
    • Senate Campaign

    • War - Ukraine and now Israel

    • DC Disfunction

      • House Speaker, Biden Corruption…

      • DOJ/FBI/IRS - federal two tier system

    • Bernie Focus/Key Objectives

 Reminder to Spread the Word

  • Hits: 1196